Protect Your Pet

Community Vaccine Clinics

Accessible vaccine clinics to help keep your cats and dogs healthy.

Who we serve

Humane Colorado offers affordable vaccine clinics for all owned cats and dogs. This program is exclusively designed to help individuals in our community who need financial assistance provide veterinary care for their beloved household pets.

Puppies and kittens must be 8-weeks old to receive the distemper shot and 4-months old for the rabies shot. No income qualification is required.

We do not offer this service to for-profit breeders or rescue groups. 


What to Bring

Your pet’s vaccine records are not required, however, bringing records is greatly appreciated as it helps us determine the best date to administer boosters.

Adult pets 2 years and older may receive a 3-year vaccination with proof of previous vaccinations (a rabies tag alone is not sufficient). We do not have vaccine records for pets adopted through any of our shelter locations.

If vaccine records are not available, your pet will receive a 1-year vaccination.


We offer low-cost vaccinations to our community as a part of our commitment to animal welfare in our state, thanks to the generosity of our donors.
Interested in supporting Humane Colorado community initiatives? Donate today.

What to expect during your appointment

Appointments are scheduled as appointment windows; please allow for 30-60 minutes for your visit from the time you arrive.

A brief wellness exam is included in your vaccine clinic visit. Please keep in mind that due to our high volume, we have limited time to address issues outside of vaccines and basic recommendations.

If your pet needs any type of medical attention, prescription, etc., we can provide you with a list of local veterinarians that provide full-service care. For any urgent matters, your pet may be seen at our Veterinary Hospital at CSU Spur as capacity allows. Please call to check availability and schedule an appointment.

If your pet is sick, please have them seen prior to your appointment.

Schedule an appointment

After registering, you can view available appointment days and select a time. Please note that the time you select reserves your place for that day, but pets are still seen on a first come first served basis, and you may not be seen at the exact time you select.

Vaccination Cost

Cats and Dogs

  • Rabies: $20
  • Microchips: $25
    (Includes registration)

Cats Only

Please bring cats in a secure carrier.

  • Feline Distemper (FVRCP) $25

Dogs Only

Please have dogs on a short leash.

  • Distemper (DA2PP) only $25
  • Distemper (DA2PP) + Leptospirosis combo $30
  • Leptospirosis only $20
  • Bordetella $30

Payment is due at the time of service; cash and credit cards are accepted.
Pay-it-forward – donations are greatly appreciated, allowing us to continue to provide life-saving and preventative pet services.

Explore Community Vaccine Clinics

Vaccine clinics are held in collaboration with community host sites. See our upcoming vaccine clinics and other Humane Colorado events.

Vaccination Reactions

What do I do about vaccines in the future if my pet has a reaction? 

Inform your veterinarian if your pet has any reaction to vaccines or medications in the past to discuss options based on your pet’s risk factor.

Symptoms of Mild Reactions: 

  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pain at the injection site or limping
  • Lethargy or sleeping more than usual
  • Swelling at the injection site

Usually, these symptoms resolve and get better within 48 hours. In some cases, pain at the injection site may last up to a week.

If your cat develops a lump at the vaccination site any time in the future (even years later), please inform your veterinarian. 

Vaccination Reactions – Potentially Serious

If you pet experiences any of the following symptoms, please call your veterinarian or pet emergency services immediately.

  • Facial swelling
  • Swelling around the eyes
  • Hives or skin redness
  • Nausea or vomiting and/or diarrhea

Life threatening or full anaphylactic reactions usually happen within the first hour a vaccine is given. Call or visit an emergency room immediately.

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Collapse
  • Stumbling or falling – disorientation
  • Seizures

Your pet’s vaccination records will be uploaded to the patient portal. Your patient portal allows you to book future appointments and access your Humane Colorado pet records.

Visit the Patient Portal.