Humane Colorado

Owner Resources to help you keep your pet

Humane Colorado wants to help you make the best decision for you and your pet when hardships and issues arise.

We understand the decisions to relinquish your companion animal is not an easy one to make. Humane Colorado is here to support you. If you are experiencing an animal-related emergency, please do not wait to surrender your pet. 

Here are some resources to help make an informed choice.  

You have options

Pet Behavior Resources

Behavior challenges can make home life difficult, but we may be able to help you resolve the issue. Check out our Pet Resource Center for tips to understanding your pet’s behavior, training advice and more.

If you need further assistance with your pet’s behavior, please consider contacting out Behavior Helpline

Schedule a Dog Behavior Helpline Appointment

Changes in our environment or homelife can impact our dog’s behavior.

The Humane Colorado Dog Behavior Helpline is here to help answer questions and provide basic guidance to support dogs who are experiencing challenging behavior.

Schedule a Cat Behavior Helpline Appointment

Experiencing new or challenging behaviors in your cat?

We may be able to help! The Humane Colorado Cat Behavior Helpline can answer questions and provide guidance on resolving your cat’s behavioral challenges.

Rehome – a surrender alternative

An alternative to surrendering your pet to the shelter is Rehome by If you can keep your pet in your home a little longer, we encourage you to check out this service. Click the Rehome box to set up your pet’s profile, review applications from potential adopters, and set up a meet-and-greet with applicants. These private adoptions occur without ever setting foot into a shelter, easing your pet’s transition into their new life.

Please note: Humane Colorado is not affiliated with Rehome and does not facilitate the adoption process for pets available through this program. 


Subsidized Veterinary Care

If your pet is ill or injured and cost in an issue, Humane Colorado offers low-cost vet care services at the Veterinary Hospital at CSU Spur. We provide accessible wellness exams, vaccinations, and other services to help keep pets happy and healthy.

Accessible Preventative Care

Humane Colorado is committed to providing accessible preventative care throughout the Denver Metro area through spay/neuter and vaccination clinics.

These donor-subsidized services help reduce pet overpopulation while ensuring owned pets receive the care they need.

Pet Food Banks

If the cost of feeding your pet is making it difficult to keep them in your home, there are local resources available to support you. Our partners at Colorado Pet Pantry offer monthly pet food banks across the state where people can receive free pet food every other month (as supplies last).