Affordable Care

Spay / Neuter Clinic

Humane Colorado offers affordable spay and neuter services to all owned pet cats and dogs at our Veterinary Hospital at CSU Spur in Denver. Book an appointment at our clinic today.

Humane Colorado offers affordable, high quality spay & neuter services to all owned pet cats and dogs. This program is exclusively designed to help individuals in our community who need financial assistance provide preventative veterinary care for their loving pets. Primary vaccines (FVRCP for cats and DA2PP for dogs) are included in your pet’s spay/neuter fee. Additional vaccines and microchipping are offered at a reduced fee.
We do not offer this service to for-profit breeders or rescue groups.

We offer these low cost spay & neuter clinics thanks to the generosity of our donors.
Interested in supporting Humane Colorado community initiatives? Donate today.

Pre-surgery requirements

  • Your cat/dog must be two months old and weigh 2 lbs. for spay/neuter surgery.
  • Pets less than six months old can eat normally the morning before surgery. Pets six months or older should not eat after midnight the night before surgery. Water is okay for all pets before surgery.
  • Pets eight years and older require bloodwork before surgery. Please visit your regular veterinarian to obtain bloodwork before scheduling. This service is also available through the Humane Colorado Veterinary Hospital for an additional fee. Schedule an appointment or contact the hospital at 303.722.5800 for more information.

Schedule an appointment

Our calendar fills up quickly! We share upcoming spay & neuter clinic days several weeks in advance. If you’re trying to book an appointment and do no see availability, we recommend continuing to check as cancellations happen, and appointments become available.

Day of surgery

  • Drop-off time for surgery is staggered between 7-8 a.m. Follow signs for Spay/Neuter Clinic entrance on the west side of the Vida Building.
  • You will be given a discharge time when you drop off in the morning. Pickup times vary based on the surgery schedule, but are typically no later than 6pm. You will be given a more specific time when you drop off your pet the morning of the surgery.
  • The spay/neuter calendar is opened several weeks in advance. If you are trying to book an appointment and do not see anything available, it means that our calendar is full. Please keep checking for availability, as cancellations happen and appointments may become available.
  • Payment is due at the time of service; cash, all major credit cards, and Care Credit are accepted.


All cats must be brought in using a secure carrier. If you do not have one, disposable cardboard carriers are available for $5.

There may be additional fees if your male cat is cryptorchid (undescended testicle).

Cat services and fees

Spay (female cat)

  • Spay surgery $75

Neuter (male cat)

  • Neuter surgery $60


  • FVRCP – included in surgery fee
  • Rabies $15
  • Microchip $25

Community and Feral Cats

While we do not accept appointments from other rescues or for-profit breeders, we are committed to being a resource that helps community and feral cats thrive.

  • A feral cat is an unowned animal that does not allow themselves to be handled or touched and does not have the potential to be socialized into pets.
  • All feral cats must be brought in a humane trap.
  • Feral and community cats will receive an ear tip. We recommend that tame, friendly cats without owners be taken to an animal shelter for adoption.
  • Feral kittens less than three months old have the potential to be socialized. Weaned feral kittens around six weeks of age should be taken to an animal shelter to be vaccinated, socialized, spayed/neutered, and adopted into loving homes.


A note on short-nosed breed Short-nosed (aka brachycephalic) dog breeds that are prone to obstructive breathing, including Pug, English Bulldog, Boston Terrier, and French Bulldog, are not accepted for surgery through our high-volume spay/neuter clinic. For assistance with scheduling these breeds through our hospital, please call 303.722.5800

Information on large breeds We recommend that large and giant breed dogs delay spay/neuter surgery until they are fully grown, usually between 9 and 15 months of age. If you have specific questions about the best age to sterilize your pet, please contact the veterinary tea at 303.722.5800.

There may be additional fees if your male dog is cryptorchid (undescended testicle).

Dog services and fees

Spay (female dog)

  • 2-29 lbs. $205
  • 30-69 lbs. $230
  • 70-120 lbs. $255
  • > 120 lbs. $300

Neuter (male dog)

  • 2-29 lbs. $155
  • 30-69 lbs. $180
  • 70-120 lbs. $205
  • > 120 lbs. $230


  • DA2PP – included in surgery fee
  • Rabies $15
  • Leptospirosis $20
  • DA2PP + lepto combo $30
  • Microchip $25

Spay/Neuter Aftercare Instructions

  • No running, jumping, playing, swimming, or any other strenuous activity for 10-14 days post-surgery.
  • Keep the animal quiet.
  • Animals must be kept indoors where they can stay clean, dry, and warm. No baths during the recovery period.
  • There are no external sutures in your pet’s incision; the internal sutures will dissolve on their own.
  • Check the incision site twice daily. Do not allow the pet to lick and chew at the incision site. If this occurs, an e-collar should be used to prevent additional licking and chewing that could lead to an infection. The incision site should be clean and dry. Do not apply anything to the incision. If you see redness, heat, swelling, discharge, or notice a foul odor, please contact the shelter at 303.751.5772 for follow-up care as soon as possible.

A small superficial skin incision was made and a green tattoo applied to demarcate the animal has been sterilized.

Veterinary Hospital at CSU Spur

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    4817 National Western Drive Denver, CO 80216

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    Driving Directions

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Please be advised that the CSU Spur campus is still under construction.

The Vida Building is located on the north side of the campus. Humane Colorado entrance is on west side.

Coming from the south: From 46th Ave, turn left (north) onto National Western Dr. Continue between the Terra and Hydro Buildings. At the stop sign turn left onto Bettie Cram Dr. We are housed in the Vida Building, which will be on your right. The entrance is on the west side of the building.

Coming from the north: From 58th Avenue heading west, go past Washington St. and turn right onto Franklin St. which turns into National Western Dr. at the street light at Race Ct.; continue going straight. Continue another ¼ mile to the end of the road. We are on the northwest corner of National Western Dr. and Bettie Cram Dr.

There is limited parking on Bettie Cram Dr., with additional parking in the parking lot off National Western Dr. on the west side of the building. The entrance to the spay/neuter clinic is also located on the west side of the building. Follow the Humane Colorado signs to the spay/neuter clinic lobby.