Compassion for animals reigned when Colorado lawmakers passed House Bill 21-1160, a bill that will prevent animal suffering by requiring medical and behavioral care for cats and dogs in shelters and rescues. The Dumb Friends League, working with the Animal Welfare Association of Colorado (AWAC, formerly CFAWA) and the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association, championed the bill, which had bipartisan leadership and support in both the House and the Senate. The bill was not without drama, as a small but very vocal opposition worked tirelessly to spread misinformation about the bill. However, the General Assembly acknowledged the statewide support from shelters and rescues in nearly every district and passed the bill with 65 percent of legislators in support. House Bill 1160 will make a big difference in the prevention of animal suffering. The League is so proud of the work that went into passing this bill, and we are thankful to all of our supporters across the state who helped push this bill over the finish line. Facebook TikTok Instagram