
Another win for pit bulls!

2021 has been a good year for pit bulls in the metro area. On Jan. 1, Denver’s new pit bull permitting process went into place, replacing a 30-year-old breed ban and allowing pit bulls back into the City. Then, on Jan. 11, Aurora City Council held a final vote to also repeal their breed ban! Forty-five days from that date will mark the return of pit bulls to the City of Aurora.

Like most good policy, the Aurora repeal didn’t happen overnight. Councilwoman Allison Hiltz led a multi-year effort to push the issue forward, including outreach and polling in the community by Aurora Animal Services. The results were clear, and Aurora City Council members voted 7-3 in support of the repeal. 

The repeal was the final step in a longer-term effort to modernize Aurora’s animal laws. Earlier last year, the Council voted to update their animal code, including putting in place a new dangerous dog ordinance that applies to all breeds. The Dumb Friends League applauded this change, as we support breed-neutral, proactive laws that protect the community from dangerous dogs by holding pet owners responsible for the actions of their pets.

We know pit bulls want to be loved—and deserve a home—just like every other pet. Now, even more homes and families are available in the Denver and Aurora areas for these loveable block-headed pups! Visit to see available pit bulls who are ready to make a house a home.