From the Dumb Friends League to

Humane Colorado

115 years of impact

Get to Know Us

From its start as the Denver Dumb Friends League in 1910 to now, Humane Colorado’s legacy of innovation, compassion, and community drives our commitment to end pet homelessness and animal suffering in Colorado. A rich history with inspiring individuals makes Humane Colorado what it is today and shapes our future.

Humane Colorado Ground Breaking

Mrs. Jean Milne Gower took an inspiring trip to London

If we hop in Mr. Peabody’s Wayback machine to Sept. 8, 1910, we’d learn that William Howard Taft was the President of the United States, and Mary and John were the most popular baby names.

While in London, Denver resident and Humane Colorado founder, Mrs. Jean Milne Gower visited with several animal welfare organizations, learning about their services and seeking advice on how to start an animal shelter in Denver.

Then on September 8, 1910, Denver Dumb Friends League was incorporate under the laws of Colorado. With a grassroots mentality that leads many animal welfare organizations, the League was picking up stray dogs in Denver and housing them in Edgewater. After the city of Edgewater took the League to court for disturbing the peace, a deal was made with Denver city officials providing the League with an option to take over the city dog pound.

humane colorado building

1912 – 1972 Exponential Growth

In 1912, Humane Colorado contracted with a well-known and reputable boarding-kennel owner to run our first shelter in downtown Denver until 1920 when we made the move to 11 lots on South Santa Fe Drive.

As the incoming animal population grew, so did our need for space. In 1949, we opened a larger facility at South Santa Fe Drive. By the mid-1960’s, we expanded our support by opening two pet receiving stations in Arvada and Littleton to handle the growing number of animals. But, by the 70s, we knew our shelter space was inadequate to support our mission and the needs of our community.


The Move to Quebec St.

In 1974, we completed construction on the Quebec St. Shelter, now known as the Leslie A. Malone Center, where Humane Colorado still operates today.

To meet the ever-growing demand for animal welfare, in 1986 Humane Colorado used an estate gift to expand the Quebec Street Shelter. And, in 1999, the organization undertook a major capital campaign to build a shelter for Douglas County and to again significantly enlarge the Quebec St. Shelter, which is now known as the Leslie A. Malone Center. In 2002, the Buddy Center opened in Castle Rock.

In 2010, Humane Colorado expanded its programs, working to investigate animal neglect and mistreatment cases and promote animal welfare throuhgout Colorado, giving pets and equines a second chance.

Abused and neglected horses, ponies, donkeys and mules that have been removed from their owners by law enforcement officials were able to find the rehabilitation, care, training and new loving homes they needed when Humane Colorado Harmony Equine Center opened in Franktown in 2012.

2017 was a big one for us! The Dumb Friends League Veterinary Hospital at Yuma opened in Denver to provide free spay/neuter surgeries for all cats to reduce pet overpopulation. We also embarked on a major renovation and construction project at the Leslie A. Malone Center. The $40 million Building a Better Way Home project and capital campaign upgraded the oldest and most heavily used parts of the facility while expanding and enhancing other critical areas of the shelter. The state-of-the-art shelter provides the architecture and infrastructure to exponentially increase our collective impact on animal care, treatment and well-being for years to come.

Humane Colorado buildings

And providing for animals in need

Continuing our legacy of innovation

When the demand for veterinary services to underserved pets increased dramatically, the organization was ready to help. In 2018, Dumb Friends League Veterinary Hospital at Yuma expanded its services to help prevent and alleviate suffering in pets whose caretakers would otherwise be unable to provide this care.

The continued growth of our veterinary services at Yuma led to a partnership with CSU, and the Humane Colorado Veterinary Hospital at CSU Spur opened in early 2022. The hospital, which operates in partnership with Colorado State University, provides low-cost services to the Globeville, Elyria, and Swansea neighborhoods and beyond. It features a one-of-a-kind public-facing educational space allowing visitors to observe veterinary teams at work.

Humane Colorado is poised to build on the legacy, its organization’s strengths and commitment to end pet homelessness and animal suffering. We’re proud of our history, community and the good we all do together.

2025 and Beyond

In March 2025, the League announced a significant change – a new name, Humane Colorado, to better support a lifetime of work and our commitment to the future of animal welfare in Colorado.


Homeless Pets

were welcomed to our three shelter locations


Children & Adults

were reached by our humane educators


Pets Were Served

through our subsidized, Community Veterinary Services


Nights of Safety

were provided to animals in need at our facilities

Brown puppy

Pet Resources

Understand your pet’s behavior for a better bond. Our pet resources help with a range of pet behavior and training topics.


Puppy with veterinarian.

Pet Vaccine Clinic

We offer affordable veterinary through the Humane Colorado Veterinary Hospital at CSU Spur, hosting regular pet vaccine clinics, spay/neuter clinics, and more services.

Woman training dog

Education & Outreach

We offer education programs for children and adults, fostering compassion and responsible pet ownership.

Woman sitting with dog by bench.

Volunteer Opportunities

We rely heavily on volunteers to support their various programs, from animal care to administrative tasks. Interested individuals can find a wide range of volunteer opportunities to match their skills and interests, making a tangible difference in the lives of animals.